SARS-CoV-2: Update of VelaLabs Response

Dear Customers,
As of March 23, 2020, we are pleased to inform you that VelaLabs is still fully committed in supporting you and your valuable projects. The partial curfew in Austria, which was prolonged to April, 13 does currently not affect VelaLabs. To address the highly disruptive COVID-19 pandemic, we developed business continuity plans protecting our employees and their loved ones as well as in parallel maintaining service capacity.
The measurements include, but are not limited to:
• Minimizing the number of employees onsite through working from home
• Considerably increased personal hygiene
• Two independent teams working from Monday to Wednesday and Thursday to Saturday
• Restricting all non-employees to our site as much as possible
Thanks to these measures, we are currently not experiencing any delays in our running projects. At this point we would like to highlight that we are very grateful to all our employees, which are still working hard to support us during these challenging times.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via our general email or give us a phone call at +43 189 059 7911.
Again, we wish all the best for you and your family!
Markus Roucka, Albert Lauss, and Klaus Hajszan